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COVID 19 Precautions

March 13, 2022

We require proper fitting masks for entry and for service no matter what. 

Because we are licensed by the Department of Health, masks are required no matter what restrictions have been lifted by the State.  That means all staff as well as clientele must be properly masked the entire time.  If you have trouble breathing while laying face down in the face cradle, let us know and we can provide another barrier.  Otherwise, you must be masked during the entire session. 


We also require proof of vaccination from COVID-19, even if you've had COVID-19 before.  This is our company policy and is not negotiable.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Q. Why does it matter if we're vaccinated?


With COVID infection rates in Pierce County still very high, we are taking extra precaution to prevent viral spread and replication. Beginning October 9th, we'll be requiring all clients to provide proof of vaccination from COVID-19, at minimum the first dose if the vaccine is mRNA. We do this to protect our clients, their loved ones, our fellow building mates, and our own families. Research shows that even though vaccinated people can get infected and spread the virus, the likelihood of viral mutation is much lower with higher rates of vaccination within a community. Because those vaccinated are less likely to be infected, incidents of spread from those vaccinated are much lower which means the virus has less opportunity to replicate enough to mutate into more dangerous variants. Data also shows that viral load (Delta variant) diminishes more quickly in vaccinated individuals who are infected versus a much slower decline in those unvaccinated, which means transmission is much lower from vaccinated individuals even when viral load is initially the same among both groups.


We believe that protecting public health requires all of us working together to mitigate risk, as inconvenient as it may be for some. The way we see it, small inconveniences don't compare to unnecessary severe disease and death. We are also seeing a rise in hospitalization among children who are too young to get vaccinated. Both Erin and I have young children, as do many of our clients and building-mates, and with school in session we have to be extra careful to not bring the virus to any little ones. We also know too well the burden it puts on families when we have to quarantine, even if there are no severe symptoms.


Even if symptoms are relatively mild, higher rates of infection could place an unnecessarily high burden on our health care system and those who are lower income (i.e. those who can't afford to take time off from work or even healthcare).


We'd rather be safe than sorry.


Yes, all Rapture staff are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.  


Q. But what if I've already had COVID-19? Do I still need to show proof of vaccination?


We still require proof of vaccination, or at least the first dose if it's a mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna), even if you've been sick with COVID-19 before. One can have immunity to one variant of the virus but not to other, more potentially deadly variants. Studies show that current vaccines that are available work well against current variants. Again, the higher the vaccination rate in a population, the less likely the virus is able to mutate to something more dangerous. This has to be a community effort.


Please ask your physician if you are unsure about which vaccine is right for you. For a quick reference, this piece from Yale breaks down the differences between COVID vaccines available:


Q. Where can I get vaccinated?


Enter your zip code and find locations here. It's free and available at almost all pharmacies:


If you have any questions about this new requirement, contact Carol at


As many of you already know, proper fitting masks covering the nose and mouth are still required when inside our building.


Thank you for understanding. Please stay safe and healthy this winter. We're in the wellness business so we do what we can to promote community wellness.



Much love,


Carol and the Rapture Team





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